

PCSP is an acronym for "Peets Coffee Separation Phenomenon". It refers to a consistently well-defined separation that occurs when half & half is poured into a freshly brewed cup of Peet's coffee. A picture may help:

Like me, scientists have failed to satisfactorily explain what exactly is going on at the molecular level, and why it would occur so consistently in coffee roasted by Peet's and not others. This is not just a one-time occurrence. About 8/10 times this happens when I fix a cup of Peet's in the morning. Only very rarely have I seen this kind of separation occur with coffee from other roasters. I humbly enlist your comments and explanations concerning PCSP.


Tim and Holly Miller said...

I think what happens is that the coffee itself is too good for the half and half. It doesn't need it, so it's rebelling.

Allan Friesen said...

It's all in your head. No, actually, I think it's the oils, as we discussed over the phone. Tough call though.